In this article, you will learn about the Lesson Management’s interface. It is imperative to know and understand the application’s interface to efficiently use the platform. Each feature does unique functions, to use these features you will have to know them and what they can do.
- Lesson Plan Counter: this counter displays the total number of lessons (All and Trash).
- Add Lesson Plan Button: this button lets you add new lesson plans.
- Filters by Category, Grades, Tags, or Status: these drop-down filters enable you to narrow the list of displayed lessons based on the applied filters.
- Search Box and Show Entries: the Search box enables you to further narrow your search by entering keywords such as lesson names, descriptions, etc. while the Show Entries list, lets you limit the lessons displayed (by 10, 25, 50, 100).
- List of Lesson Plans: this pane displays the list of lesson plans with the following information by column:
- Title, Category, School, Creation Date, Status, Favorites
- Below the lesson plan name shows action shortcuts such as Edit, View, Delete, Download PDF, Ready for Review
Note: Additional features are available for users with higher credentials. It is worth noting that the availability of some features/functionality varies based on the account types (i.e. Creator, Reviewer, Manager, Admin).
For Managers and Admins, Bulk Actions features are available.