Why is Presidents’ Day always observed on a Monday?

As always, QuiqLabs is your go-to source for scholastic approaches to Presidential observance!

So, instead of just focusing on upcoming family gatherings, barbecues, and another day off from school, we have lesson plans that will help make your tribute to the office of Commander-in-Chief meaningful . . . 

  • Presidents’ Day Speech  |  Language Arts Lesson  |  7th8th grade
  • Dear Mr. President  |  Language Arts Lesson  |  6th—12th grade

These timely tutorials will help teachers guide students in the art of public speaking and apply the skills of writing to persons of authority — using formal and respectful language to exercise civic duty and express honest, thought-provoking concerns . . . Just as our founding fathers would have expected them to do!

“Presidents’ Day” never falls on the actual birthday of any American president.  Nonetheless, “The Uniform Monday Holiday Act” (1971) combined the birthdays of George Washington (February 22) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12) into one national holiday.  The law also shifted several federal holidays from assorted dates on the calendar to a series of predetermined Mondays with the goal of creating more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers and bolstering retail sales.